SAT-Schneider DRM RF Tuner Unit DRT1
Top-notch DRM circuit board front end for PC or OEM at reasonable cost. Design may be licensed by manufacturers.
>> SAT-Schneider tuner DRT1
Box 73 LW-SDR Einsteigerkit für 136 kHz
Cheap DRM front end kit with fixed frequency (243 kHz with 25,5 MHz crystal). Requires a good stereo sound card.
>> LW-SDR Einsteigerkit
SAT-Schneider DRM Miniature Mixer Unit
Cheapest DRM solution: Add-on module for existing receiver and PC. Takes power supply from the host receiver.
>> SAT-Schneider mixer unit
NTi FMC 108-28 FM and DRM+ Downconverter
87,5-108 MHz non-inverted converter to 7,5-28,5 MHz for broadband SDRs, such as the Microtelecom Perseus.
>> NTi FMC 108-28
Analog Devices ADSST-260 Multimode Tuner
Integrated solution evaluation board for receivers with FM, DAB, AM og DRM, developed in India by Analog Devices.
>> Analog Devices ADSST-260
Elektor DRM Receiver 070039-91
Medium-priced printed circuit board DRM front end for PC with limited sensitity. Requires a good stereo sound card.
>> Elektor DRM receiver
The DRM Software Radio website has guides for modification of a variety of AM receivers to DRM.
>> DRM receiver modification